アクション詳細 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.3)

  • 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。


*よくある質問 [#vabe9159]
**時々、チームバランスが悪いのはなんで? [#l4fd1d7a]
あなたがauto queue systemによって参加しているならば、あなたは時々、[[Officers]]と[[Generals]]が大量に、またはごくわずかの[[Assault Teams>アサルトチーム]]を送った、特定のcity map上のcampaign matchに送られるからです。

**Training missionとCampaign missionの違いは何? [#jce39207]
Training missionはcampaign missionと同じ報酬を貰えますが、WARの全体的な結果には影響を与えません。
Training missionでは、Assault Teamsの数と種類は両側で等しいです。
Campaign missionでは、Assault Teamsの数と種類は、プレイヤー([[Officers]]と[[Generals]])が置いたものに完全に依存しています。 

**時々、自分たちの拠点にスポーンできないのはなんで? [#gdce6f17]

**時々、違う場所にスポーンするのはなんで? [#k310fd78]
Objective PointとAccess Pointは二次スポーン地点を有します。
Objective Pointは星形のマークが後ろにあります。
Access Pointは供給ラインの最初のポイントです。

*ゲームモード [#pbdb6693]
プレイヤーまたはプレイヤーのグループは[[Training mission>Training missions]]([[Assault]]/[[Defense>Defend]]/[[Skirmish]]) または、campaign map missionに参加します。
|CENTER:カテゴリー|CENTER:Assault Teams|CENTER:説明|
これはあなたが、AT(Assault Teams)選択の点でよりよいバランスの試合のために、両側でjoin/switchプレイヤーのために、プレイヤーが利用できる同数のAssault Teamsを持つTraining missionに参加できることを意味します。
campaign map missionに参加するとき、あなたは様々な結果を持つことができます。
RTS系のGENERALS部分に制御されるので、Assault Teamの選択において不平等なことがあります。
タブスクリーンを見たとき、eUSやeGEのAssault Teamの名前が見えたら、あなたはTraining missionにいます。
-Training missionとcampaign missionsの間に報酬や経験値の面で違いはありません。

**概要 [#lcb6493c]
Assault gamemoodは、Cityでの戦闘結果を決めるために用いられます。
このモードは、Primary Point(星のマークによって強調される)をあなたは守備チームか攻撃チームとして、守備するか占拠しなくてはなりません、に分類されます。
異なる地図のレイアウトは大きく異なり、占拠しなければならないObjective Pointは一般に2~3で変わります。

**レイアウト [#h6698bf2]
地図の配置はマップによって異なりますが、Primary Capture Pointには3つの基本的な繋がり方があります。
-2つのPrimary Objectiveが繋がっている
-3つのPrimary Objectiveが繋がっている
-2つのPrimary Objectiveに1つのAccess Pointが挟まれている

**勝利条件 [#kf6a4d67]
1.Primary objectives
--攻撃側が全てのobjective capture pointsを占拠すること(星で表される、2~3のprimary objectivesがあることができる)。

**スポーンルール [#i154bdba]
2.Defense Timer
--守備側がすべてのobjective capture pointsを30分+attackers capture bonus timeの間、守り続けること。
攻撃側がprimary objective pointsのいずれかを占領している場合、攻撃側の誰かが残りのprimary objective pointsをとるか、守備側がすべてのprimary objective pointsを取り返すまでゲームは続きます。

**GENERALスポーンルール [#h7ae2432]
3.Access Points
--Assault Teamが全てのAccess Pointsの全てを失うならば、守備側が彼らをマップから追い出すことを意味し、ゲームが終わり守備側が試合に勝ちます。

**MOBILEスポーンルール [#ydac567b]
4.Assault Teams
--Assault Teamsは限られた命を持ちます。
それらの命が尽き、スポーンするための追加のassault teamsがなければ、ゲームはAssault Teamsをもはや持たない側の試合からプレイヤーを取り外し始めます。
これは結果的に、assault teamのスポーンが尽きることで、他のチームの勝利に至ることにつながることができます。

**ASSAULT TEAMスポーンルール [#vdbf4a9a]
**SPAWN RULES [#i154bdba]
-Spawn Delay
--Spawn time = Base Delay - Underdog Pool
--Base Delay
---The spawn delay countdown starts from the moment the player died.
---If the player is spawning in a mobile spawn, such as a Halftrack, there is a delay of 20 seconds.
---If the player is spawning in the air with a plane, there is a spawn delay of 15 seconds.
---If the player is spawning at a capture point as a soldier, there is a delay of 10 second plus 0.5 seconds for each link out to his assault teams access point (rounded up).
---If the player is spawning at a capture point in a tank, there is a delay of 10 second plus 2.5 seconds for each link out to his assault teams access point (rounded up).
---If the player is spawning at a capture point in all other vehicles, there is a spawn delay of 10 second plus 1.5 seconds for each link out to his assault teams access point (rounded up).
--Underdog Pool
---Whenever a team has fewer player than their opponents they subtract time from their spawn delay.
---The pool is filled with (0.25 seconds * underdog ratio) every second
---When spawning either the amount left in the pool is subtracted from a players delay or the amount the player is missing

**占拠ルール [#zf071f32]
-General spawn rules
--In general a player can spawn at any capture point that is connected to their assault teams access point, unless one of the following exceptions is triggered
---The enemy is capturing the point. If the capture point is an access point or an objective point then they will still be able to spawn at the point. However, they will spawn further away than normal.
---Something is blocking the spawn point
---There is no spawn point of the type needed, e.g. Tank spawn
---If a member of the capture points owner team has been killed during the last 10 seconds and within 80 meters of the capture point. Additionally there needs to be a neighbor capture point owned by the opponent team.

**占拠手順 [#vb56e048]
**MOBILE SPAWN RULES [#ydac567b]
-Mobile spawn is a type of spawn that enables a member of the assault team to spawn directly in a vehicle already located on the map
-If the assault team does not have a vehicle on the map a player can choose to spawn with one. The amount of active vehicles is unique per assault team
-A vehicle can be lost if it is destroyed, an opponent has entered it, or a member of another assault team has entered it while it was empty
-So in order to be able to spawn directly in an already active vehicle the following must be fulfilled, free seat, not stolen by the enemy and not stolen by a member of another assault team

-Infantry, Anti tank Infantry, Recon
--These assault teams follow the general spawn rules
-Mech Infantry
--Can either use the general spawn rules or mobile spawn rules
--For mobile spawn they can atmost have one active halftrack at a time
-Armor, Tank Destroyer
--Can only spawn following the mobile spawn rules
--They can at most have three active tanks at a time
-Fighter Squadron
--Can either spawn on a runway in their plane or in the air, in both cases the general spawn rules apply
--If they have paratrooper planes they follow the mobile spawn rules, they can have no more than one active paratrooper plane at a time
--Their plane can spawn directly in the air
--If their paratrooper plane resources are depleted they follow the general spawn rules

**CAPTURE RULES [#zf071f32]
1.Capture Points
--できるだけCapture Pointsを占領することで、a friendly pointに接続し、アンロックされます。
--Capture pointsは最初はニュートラルに戻され、それから占拠側に占領されます。

2.Objective Points
--Objectiveの占領は、Capture Pointsのルールに準拠します。

3.Access Points
--占領側に直接占領されている以外のAccess Pointの占領はcapture pointのルールに準拠します。
--Access pointsとは、A1、B1、C1、D1、およびE1などの点です。


*SKIRMISH [#vb23aa97]
**概要 [#k3f82b29]
Skirmish gamemodeは、2つのAssault Teamsが道で出会うか、Access Pointをめぐる戦いがあるときに使用されます。

**勝利条件 [#g9a98821]
-One side reaches 100
--Each side has a slider which moved up with their current points.
--If a side has 2 more zones than their opponent than their counter will count double as fast, and so on...
--The speed at which it counts is determined by two things, the ratio as explained above, and the total count of contested zones. The more zones that there are the the slower it will count
--This case should very rarely be needed, but in the case where a match has run for 3 hours the victory is given to the defenders.
-Out of lives
--One side runs out of lives and all players are dead.

**スポーンルール [#w4a4b556]
**SPAWN RULES [#w4a4b556]
-Spawn delay
--Follows the same rules as the Assault gamemode
-General spawn rules
--A player can in general only spawn at their access point
-Assault Team Spawn Rules
--Follows the same rules as the Assault gamemode

**占拠ルール [#a9816c55]
**CAPTURE RULES [#a9816c55]
--It is possible to capture zones in any order at any time.
--Zones are first captured to neutral and then captured by the capturing side
--The capture to neutral time is 30 seconds
--The capture to team time is 30 seconds
-Access point
--Access points can not be captured.

*特殊武器ルール [#nd348eeb]
**武器改造 [#ke50104d]
**武器改造 [#r5cee841]
-Weapons can be modified to suit players personal tastes using [[Weapon Modifications]]
--In the case where a weapon with mods is picked up by another player, the owner of the modified weapon will not have to pay any repair cost for its use.

**武器特殊ルール [#dccabf2d]
--At any given point a player can have no more than 3 active mines, if a fourth mine is placed the oldest of his mines will despawn. Mines stay in the game after he disconnects.

**ダメージモデル [#f412f6f0]
-Vehicles: See http://www.heroesandgenerals.com/community/5578/vehicle-armor-model
-If you hit another player with f.ex a handgun that does 36 damage at close range, the damage will be modified by where you hit the enemy.
--Head is 4xDamage (144 in the example, 1-shot kill)
--Body is 1xDamage (36 in the example, 3 hits needed to kill)
--Legs are 0.8xDamage (28 in the example, 4 hits needed to kill)
--Arms are 0.5xDamage (18 in the example, 6 hits needed to kill)

-Unlocking and equipping one (or two if you're a Veteran member) Combat_Badge will give your character specific bonuses.
-Combat badges are unlocked by acquiring ranks in different Combat Ribbons.

*その他 [#n905cb0b]
**スコア [#d7aea5b4]
-The purpose of a players score in the action game is currently only used to define their place on the scoreboard, which in turn unlocks ribbons
-Score is based on
--5 for every enemy killed
---1 for suicide
---10 for team kill
--5 for a capture point capture, this is however split out among the players who contributed to the capture based on how much they contributed with
--28 for an objective capture, this is however split out among the players who contributed to the capture based on how much they contributed with

**COMBAT XP [#gfd34899]
-Combat XP is used to unlock combat ranks for a character
-Combat XP is based on
--0.007 for every second in an action game
--1 for every kill
--2 for every battle
--15 for every armor kill
--40 for every plane kill
---0.1 for every death
--10 for every savior kill
--0.03 for every damage dealt
---10 for every team kill

**TACTICAL XP [#x2cdefe5]
-Tactical XP is used to unlock tactical ranks for a character
--Tactical XP is based on
--5 for every capture point capture
--3 for every capture point capture assist
--0.02 for every capture influence
--10 for every kill of an enemy who is capturing
--20 for every resource capture
--0.25 for every resource capture influence
--3 for every battle won

**収入 [#me9ca5a5]
**報酬 [#me9ca5a5]
-Currently a player earnings are based on the following
--Infantry kills
--Armor kills
--Plane kills
--Capture points defended
--Time played
--Premium bonus
--Bonus for first battle of the day

**ALL PLAYERS LEAVE [#d759b762]
-In the case where a server is empty, either because everyone left or crashed, a timer will count down from 2 minutes and if no one joins before the time runs out the server will shutdown without resolving the battle. Either the strategy game will auto resolve it or players must start it again.

*コメント [#w417db1c]

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